We are pleased to invite you to our 2024 General Assembly which will be held this year on:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 from 17h at 60 Rte des Acacias 1227 Les Acacias

The AG will be followed by a discussion and debate on: Scaling Impact

We will then share a moment of celebration over a cocktail.

We look forward to seeing many of you on the 28th.


17:00 – WELCOME


  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes from the 2023 General Assembly
  3. Report from the Comité Stratégique & Surveillance (CS&S)
    1. Discussion and vote
  4. 2023 Accounts
    1. Report from the Treasurer
    2. Report from the Auditory
    3. Discussion and vote
  5. Election of the membres of the CSS and nomination of the President
    1. Presentation of candidates
    2. Discussion and vote
  6. Nomination of the Controlling Body

Anyone wishing to apply to the Comité Stratégie & Surveillance is invited to indicate their motivation and interest to Marie-Laure Schaufelberger at by Max 14th, 2024 for review by the current CSS.

18:00 – DEBATE – Scaling Impact

19:00 – COCKTAIL

RSVP by May 24th 2024 by clicking here


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